When do Zoning Issues become a problem?
Zoning issues become a problem when the proposed zone infringes on or close to residents’ properties, or where the type of building planned for construction, or the use of the land is a cause for concern.
A zoning by-law controls the use of land in your community. It states exactly: how land may be used; where buildings and other structures can be located; the types of buildings that are permitted and how they may be used; the lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights and setbacks from the street.”
Where do you go to report Zoning issues?
It is possible to find out about public meetings which provide information about any proposed changes in your community. You are free to attend. While attending, you can report any zoning issues which might concern you. However, you may want an easier route. So if there is a problem with a zoning issue that you want to report, then call your local public service provider or, more conveniently, use our free service to have the issue redirected to the right person in the right department, in the right agency. Click the green “MAKE YOUR REQUEST” button on this page.
Why are Zoning Issues important?
Zoning issues can have a huge impact on the day-to-day lives of local residents. Alterations to the local community can adversely affect quality of life, the environment and contribute to residents not feeling as secure in their community as they previously felt. At PSR we continuously analyze the frequency of types of Service Request made to Public agencies, and zoning issues are consistently in the top 5 most reported. PSR may be able to help by making the reporting process easier, faster and interactive, with feedback from the Public Service Provider all the way to resolution.