So you’ve decided to change your old water meter to a new, more accurate type, but unfortunately, you’ve encountered problems.
What kind of water meter problems might you encounter?
Here are a few examples
- Incorrect meter reading. This could be the fault of the water company or, unfortunately, even your own. An accurate meter reading will insure that you are aware of your actual water usage
- Water leakage. The cause can be poor installation of your meter, a burst pipe or some type of damage to your meter
- Abnormally high bills. Believe it or not, one cause could be that you are receiving bills for a meter that isn’t yours! Another could be that due to poor installation, you might find that your neighbor’s meter is connected to yours and that you’re paying for both
What steps can you take to discover what the problem is?
- Check your meter reading over a period of a few days or weeks. Are there abnormal fluctuations or spikes in the reading?
- Note the reading before leaving home in the morning and upon returning home at the end of the day. Is the reading inconsistent with the fact that you were absent all day?
- Check inside and outside your home for any pipe or faucet leaks
When to contact the water company
It may be necessary to contact the water company when you have ruled out any fault on your part and it is clear that the fault lies with them. Often, you have to go through the frustration of contacting them only to end up feeling even more frustrated due to their unwillingness to cooperate. They can be slow to respond and quick to pass the blame on to you or anyone else. In the meantime, you’re bearing the burden of the excess cost!
If you have been unsuccessful in contacting the water authorities, why not try contacting the local authorities using PSR? You can contact them using the PSR app here
So how can you report using the PSR app?
Make sure that you download it from:
Android PSR app from here
iOS PSR app from here
PSR can help to ease the burden of reporting by making the reporting process easier, faster, less frustrating and interactive, with feedback from the Public Service Provider all the way to resolution.