Why People should care about Tree issues?
Apart from their natural beauty, trees:
- Remove carbon dioxide from the air;
- absorb and retain air pollutants;
- reduce the load on storm sewers during extreme weather events;
- reduce energy consumption by cooling the surroundings (especially buildings and vehicles);
- provide food and habitat for important wildlife, including bees, bats, birds, and so many insects, small mammals and spiders;
- improve water table levels and quality by reducing runoff, and
- shade people, livestock, wildlife and pets from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
PSR has acquired OpenTreeMap (OTM) from Azavea Inc. of Philadelphia. OTM provides a reliable set of ecobenefits for each tree, and in aggregate, using species, size, location and age.
See this excellent site that explains the benefits of trees.
How can we report and manage tree issues quickly?
Report Public Tree issues quickly, to any Municipality, County or Tree Inventory Management Organization, in North America, that uses PSR, to have the issue dealt with efficiently by the right person in the right department. Just click on the green “Request it” button at the top of this page.
To the right you’ll see a partial list of Tree issues that PSR uses to help Public Sector agencies quickly deal with reported problems, reducing the load on inspectors, and mitigating Public safety risk.
Many local governments use contract 3rd party specialty service providers to manage their Tree canopy inventories. PSR can automatically routes Tree issues to these 3rd parties to reduce typical bureaucracy and get faster results, better quality of life, and reduced costs.