Introducing treeOcode Niagara
I’m communicating on behalf of the Geospatial Niagara Group to introduce treeOcode Niagara. We’re organizing a “crowd-sourcing” program to build an inventory of all the trees across the Niagara Region, with a strong emphasis on sustainability.
The project is named “TreeOcode-Niagara”.
We are using smartphone-based technology to capture essential tree attributes including species, location, size, condition (including evidence of disease and/or pest infestation) and any negatives such as sidewalk damage, overhead utility interference, and sightline intrusion.
The project will unfold in three Phases: Urban trees; trees on publicly owned land (hospitals, universities, etc.; privately owned trees (residential and business).
The goal is to create an open treeOcode Niagara database that can be used by all, including participating Municipalities, and for further research, particularly at Brock University, and Niagara College.
This project will put the Niagara Peninsula firmly on the map, in terms of Canopy Assessment and Impact, demonstrating a cohesive approach to long-term tree health and the many social, business and quality-of-life benefits.
People undervalue trees as a resource. Trees contribute to quality-of-life, and environmental restoration.North American communities are finally appreciating trees.
The Geospatial Niagara Group enjoys across-the-board support for this project, as it is publicly unveiled. Please come back soon, for an introduction to our prestigious group of committed stakeholders.
Volunteers will gather treeOcode data in each of the 12 Niagara Municipalities. If you’d like to Volunteer some of your time for this fun and worthwhile Community Enhancement project, please go to Geospatial Niagara’s website.
We’d be happy to answer any questions and suggestions you may have. Thank you.
Ian Lucas. 289.697.4900.