What is a Drain?
Drain issues occur frequently in all urban and rural environments.
Drainage is the natural or artificial removal of surface and sub-surface water from an area. The internal drainage of most agricultural soils is good enough to prevent severe waterlogging (anaerobic conditions that harm root growth), but many soils need artificial drainage to improve production or to manage water supplies.
Where do you go to report Drain issues?
To avoid problems such as flooding, freezing road surfaces, road accidents due to leaves building up, it’s important to get drainage issues corrected as soon as possible. If the issue is with a public drain (e.g. roadway, curb, pathway, sidewalk), call your local public service provider or, more conveniently use our free service to have the issue redirected to the right person in the right department, in the right agency – click the green “MAKE YOUR REQUEST” button on this page.
Why are Drain issues important?
Drain issues can cause accidents, severe property damage, safety hazards and many other unpleasant outcomes. At PSR we continuously analyze the frequency of types of Service Request made to Public agencies, and drain issues are consistently in the top 5 most reported. PSR may be able to help by making the reporting process easier, faster and interactive, with feedback from the Public Service Provider all the way to resolution.