Now we see the Public using PSR everywhere.... Everyone knows how frustrating it can be to report problems, file complaints, get service, get answers to questions, and GET RESULTS from Public Sector Organizations. For a much more satisfying experience when dealing with your Public Service Provider(s), download our App and give it a workout, or use any browser to go to our website: The
Use PSR's Public Action Line to report any Public Sector issue
Report Illegal Dumping (Fly-Tipping) with PSR
Illegal Dumping (aka "Fly-Tipping") is an unsightly scourge; it destroys the landscape and is a health hazard. Residents want to feel proud of where they live, whether it be in an urban environment or the countryside. Illegal dumping is a bio-hazard, a danger to children and the environment, and it attracts vermin. Unfortunately, one of the frustrations is that when residents come across cases of
Grenfell Tower – Avoidable?
Our hearts go out to the victims of the Grenfell Tower disaster. Even in the 21st century it seems that we still suffer calamities like this. Can they be avoided? It is alleged that the locals living in, or connected to, Grenfell tower reported dangerous aspects of the building even years before this awful event unfolded. Were those reports heeded? It seems that perhaps they were
Water Meter Problems
So you've decided to change your old water meter to a new, more accurate type, but unfortunately, you've encountered problems. What kind of water meter problems might you encounter? Here are a few examples Incorrect meter reading. This could be the fault of the water company or, unfortunately, even your own. An accurate meter reading will insure that you are aware of
Dealing With Tragedy
Dealing with tragedy - how to cope when tragedy strikes Tragedy can take many forms. It can involve personal loss or injury, loss or damage of property, loss experienced by ones dear to us, harm or damage to something we admire or hold dear and loss of health - to name a few. Dealing with tragedy at such a time can be very difficult. The unfortunate reality is that it can be
Street light out? How can we report it?
How to report a broken street light To report a street light out, Open Public Service Request app on your phone or desktop In the What section, type into the search "outage" then select Street-Light-outage Use the Where section to locate where the problem is If there is a number on the post or wire, add it in the description section Hit submit - add your email if you want (that
Floods can damage more than just your home
Preparing for floods in the best policy We should always be prepared for rising floodwaters and never underestimate the danger. By choosing to listen to their own opinions regarding a forecast, evacuation warning or from watching a river or downpour, many have courted disaster. Sadly, when floods are swift, many people have lost their life through making such poor judgements. Things you can do
Abused Dogs – How to report using PSR
Abused dogs - cruelly treated by those responsible for their care. Abused dogs manifest themselves in many forms - from being over-fed to being starved; from being neglected to being cruelly treated; from receiving insufficient attention to being trained to fight to the death for sport and money. One of the most heartbreaking things is watching a documentary/news item or reading a piece
Stray Dogs – Report using PSR
Stray dogs - a sad indictment of our indifferent society. For me, one of the saddest and most frustrating things that I've witnessed is the sight of stray dogs roaming the streets and dodging traffic while attempting to cross busy roads unsupervised. Owners who are often too lazy to take their dogs out on supervised walks, will open their fronts doors and allow their dogs free rein without
Animal Welfare Issues – Report them using PSR
What causes Animal Welfare Issues? Animal welfare issues arise when the feelings and needs of animals are not given due consideration. Concern for animal welfare is often based on the belief that consideration should be given to their well-being or suffering, especially when they are under the care of humans. These concerns can include how animals are slaughtered for food, how they are used in
Road Blocks – How to report them using PSR
What contributes to Road Blocks? The main contributors to road blocks are spillages, flooding, roadworks, landslides, potholes, fallen trees, cars etc. Road Blocking: An obstruction placed across a road, especially of barricades or police cars, for halting or hindering traffic, as to facilitate the capture of a pursued car or inspection for safety violations. An obstruction on a road, as a
Winter Road Issues – Report Them Using PSR
What causes Winter Road Issues? The main culprits of winter road issues are snow and ice. "AKRON, Ohio - Nearly a week after a snow storm hit the Akron area, some streets in residential neighborhoods remained ice-covered and treacherous to travel. Neighbors living in Fairlawn Heights said they experience the problem every year and are frustrated they have to repeatedly contact the city for
Building and Planning Issues – Report them using PSR
When do Building and Planning become an issue? Building and planning issues arise when local residents feel that they are being inconvenienced by, or not fully informed about proposed changes. "Well-designed, well-planned communities attract jobs and investment. Ontario’s land use planning system gives municipalities the major role in planning decisions. The ministry identifies and protects
Drain Issues – Report them quickly and simply using PSR
What is a Drain? Drain issues occur frequently in all urban and rural environments. Drainage is the natural or artificial removal of surface and sub-surface water from an area. The internal drainage of most agricultural soils is good enough to prevent severe waterlogging (anaerobic conditions that harm root growth), but many soils need artificial drainage to improve production or to manage water
Culvert Issues – Report them quickly and simply using PSR
What is a Culvert? Culvert issues occur frequently in all urban and rural environments. A culvert is a structure that allows water to flow under a road, railroad, trail, or similar obstruction from one side to the other side. Typically embedded so as to be surrounded by soil, a culvert may be made from a pipe, reinforced concrete or other material. —Wikipedia Where do you go
Catastrophic Weather Issues. Report them using PSR
When do Catastrophic Weather Issues become a problem? Catastrophic weather issues naturally arise in the aftermath of catastrophic weather. Issues arise when there is flooding, loss of electricity and other amenities and when there is damage to property, water pipes, roads, trees and so on. How do we deal with these Catastrophic Weather Issues that follow? This important question
Having Tried Our Groundbreaking App, Now What?
OK, so you're intrigued by the effectiveness of our best-of-breed, Public Sector, groundbreaking App; perhaps you've even taken a few seconds to make an actual Service Request or three, that we deliver for you. Now what? How do you ensure that your local Public Service Providers sit up and take notice? How do you make them realize that the old ways are obsolete, and today's technologies are