When do Zoning Issues become a problem? Zoning issues become a problem when the proposed zone infringes on or close to residents' properties, or where the type of building planned for construction, or the use of the land is a cause for concern. "What is a zoning by-law? A zoning by-law controls the use of land in your community. It states exactly: how land may be used; where buildings and
Economic Development
Building and Planning Issues – Report them using PSR
When do Building and Planning become an issue? Building and planning issues arise when local residents feel that they are being inconvenienced by, or not fully informed about proposed changes. "Well-designed, well-planned communities attract jobs and investment. Ontario’s land use planning system gives municipalities the major role in planning decisions. The ministry identifies and protects
Pelham Water and Wastewater Lowest Fees in Niagara Region
Congratulations to our original "launch" Customer, the Town of Pelham, Canada, for the third year in a row where water / waste-water fee increases have been kept to ZERO! In fact they are the Lowest Fees in the entire Niagara Region. For more details, please take a look at their recent Press Release on this important topic. We work with Pelham Staff, all the time, to get their feedback on